Occupational Therapy Cancellation Policy

Timely Courtesy Cancellation: Each client is allotted 3 courtesy cancellations per quarter (Jan-Mar, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec). These cancellations can be used individually on a one-off basis or stacked to accommodate vacations, cultural or religious holidays or times when your family is traveling. Beyond the 3 courtesy cancellations you can make-up any additional missed session as long as we are notified at least 24 hours in advance.

Late Cancellation (Non-illness): Any cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance are considered late cancellations and will be charged as if the session occurred. Late cancellations can not be made-up unless in the case of illness (see below).

Late Cancellations for Illness: Play 2 Progress is a well child center which means that children who exhibit two or more symptoms or with a fever of 100.4 or above should be kept home. If you need to cancel less than 24 hours prior to your appointment time due to illness you will be charged the full amount of your session and we will assist you to schedule a make-up session. 

Please note: if your child arrives sick, exhibits symptoms of a communicable disease (please see our illness policy for more details), or develops symptoms during the course of their session, they will need to be taken home. You will be billed as usual for this session. If your child attended 15 minutes or less you will have the opportunity to make-up the session once your child is feeling better. If your child becomes ill more than 15 min into the session we are unable to offer a make-up.

No Call/No Show: Any appointment with a no call/ no show will be charged the full amount of the session cost. You will not be able to make-up no call/ no show appointments.  

Extended illness and special life circumstances: We understand that extenuating circumstances occur and want to work with your family to support your child’s treatment. Please contact our Director of Operations, Morgan Lennon to discuss further at morgan.lennon@play2progress.com

Please note children with a new injury or illness that affects their ability to participate in treatment will need doctors authorization to return to OT. Please contact us to discuss further to ensure the safety of your child.

Occupational Therapy Cancellation Policy FAQs

Why do you require families to book the same day and time for the course of their treatment?

Consistency and routine are paramount in supporting your child’s treatment. In order to ensure the same practitioner and access to the appropriate resources we have children come at a specified day and time. We ask all students to attend at least one session per week. 

Will you be closed for religious holidays?

Play 2 Progress is closed for the following national holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day). We understand that we serve a diverse population of students with different religious and cultural values. Families are encouraged to either use one of their allotted courtesy cancellations or are welcome to schedule a make-up for any missed classes as long as we are notified 24 hours in advance.

What about Federal Holidays?

Play 2 Progress is only closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. While Play 2 Progress is open on Federal holidays not all therapists are scheduled to work. If your session falls on a Federal Holiday and you are unable to attend please notify us at least 24 hours in advance and we will help you to schedule a make-up session. 

We will be out of town for more than 3 weeks, can we pause sessions?

Yes, we can pause a session if you will be traveling for extended periods of time. Please note that when treatment is paused you do forfeit your standing reservation's day and time. Afternoon (2-6pm) and early morning (8am) sessions are in high demand and have long waitlists for time spots. Upon your return to session we may only have midday spots available for any practitioner. If you have a flexible schedule and/or are open to seeing other practitioners when you return this may be the right choice for your family.

If you have a rigid schedule and would like to continue with the same practitioner we recommend maintaining your day and time. This does mean that you will continue to be charged for your weekly session. Because you will be missing those classes you can make them up when you return (i.e. have multiple sessions per week), use them to schedule multiple hour intensive sessions or use that time for parent calls to discuss your child’s progress with your therapist.

Can I do make-up sessions via Zoom?

 If your child’s therapist feels Zoom sessions would be a supportive option you may schedule make-ups via Zoom. Please note in order to receive Zoom sessions you must be located in the state of California, our OTs are not authorized to practice when you are located in another state.

What if my therapist is out ill?

If your therapist is out for an unplanned absence we will make every effort to find a substitute therapist. If we are unable to, we will contact you and schedule a make-up session for a different day and time. 

What if my therapist has a planned absence?

If your therapist has a planned absence you will be notified in advance. We will make every effort to find a substitute or schedule a make-up session. If we are not able to schedule a make-up/find a substitute we will cancel your session and this will not be applied to your 3 quarterly timely cancellation sessions. Unless indicated otherwise by your therapist we highly encourage students to maintain their session.

How long do I have to complete make-ups?

We ask that make-ups are completed within 4 weeks of the missed session. If you need to arrange make-ups beyond the 4 week time frame please contact our office and we will do our best to accommodate. 

If I don't have childcare for a sibling, can their sibling come to their session?

If your practitioner feels that siblings would be of therapeutic benefit, siblings can attend the session. Please make sure that we have an updated liability release form for all children in the gym. There is a fee for additional children participating in the session, please check in with our office for rates. 

What if we need to withdraw from services before completion of their treatment plan- Individual Sessions?

Occasionally due to life circumstances you may need to withdraw your child before completion of their treatment plan. If you need to withdraw please complete the following steps so we can conclude your services. 

Email our administrative team to let us know you need to withdraw from services. Please include the following information:

Your Child’s Name
Your reason for withdrawing. (In some circumstances we can assist you in finding a solution that can allow your child to continue with services. Additionally, this allows us to provide you with the appropriate support during and after your withdrawal.) 
Last day you would like to attend.

Please note that you are required to attend at least one final session to provide closure for your child as well as giving the other children in the group a chance to say goodbye. 

Your therapist will reach out to you to provide their clinical recommendations via email or phone. Our administrative team will confirm your final day and take you off of your therapist schedule. 

What if we need to withdraw from services before completion of their treatment plan- Group Sessions?

Occasionally due to life circumstances you may need to withdraw your child before completion of their treatment plan. If you need to withdraw please complete the following steps so we can conclude your services. 

Email our administrative team to let us know you need to withdraw from services. Please include the following information:

Your Child’s Name
Your reason for withdrawing. (In some circumstances we can assist you in finding a solution that can allow your child to continue with services. Additionally, this allows us to provide you with the appropriate support during and after your withdrawal.) 
Last day you would like to attend.

Please note that you are required to attend at least one final session to provide closure for your child as well as giving the other children in the group a chance to say goodbye. 

Your therapist will reach out to you to provide their clinical recommendations via email or phone. Our administrative team will confirm your final day and take you off of your therapist schedule.